Sunday, February 7, 2016

the struggles of a pre-slp.

After more than 4 years of post-highschool education, I have finally been awarded my degree in Bachelor of Arts in Communicative Disorders. Unfortunately, this is not enough to work as a licensed speech pathologist. It is required to have a Masters degree.

Am I pursuing it? YES.

However, I have decided to take baby steps. Due to a long period of unemployment, I have heavily relied on allowance, and past savings from my previous employment (which really isn't a lot). Also, because of the heavy stress that I have put on myself last semester, I didn't think it would benefit me to try and apply for masters anytime soon. At least not last semester.

I told myself I needed something that would set me apart first. There are way too many students with a gpa higher than mine, and too many with numerous extracurricular activities. I needed more experience, I needed more knowledge, and I needed more money.

So, a few months ago, I decided to take a speech language pathology assistant (SLPA) course in Loma Linda University. I thought to myself, this would be a perfect way to gain more experience in the field, and save up money for when I attend graduate school.

I won't lie. I assumed it would be easy. boy was i wrong..

I guess I've had this assumption that most work would be done by the SLP and all I really need to do is to review with the clients what she had already started. Little did I know that I would have to prepare my own materials.

It is such a challenge for me, always trying to come up with different activities to keep the students engaged and make sure they're taking in what I have been teaching. I spend hours googling lists of words, and going on pinterest for some ideas.

This is the main reason I have decided to start this blog. To help me with my preparations of materials, to keep record, and to hopefully help others who are in the same boat as I am.

I will try my best to update this at least weekly as I prepare my activities/materials.

until then ;]